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project has been funded with support from the European Commission. |
Society "Creative Ideas" Balvi Contact person: Sanita Putnina
DESCRIPTION Society "Creative Ideas" is established in Balvi 12/10/2011. The members of the society have come together to promote the development of Balvi county, diminish social exclusion and solve important issues for the community by elaborating and implementing the projects and attracting investments. The members of the society are mainly persons from education, culture and social fields, local and national authority employees &volunteers. The society aims are: to promote culture, lifelong learning, health, craft, environment protection, tourism sectors sustainable development, preservation and maintenance of their affiliated infrastructure; to promote civil society; to diminish social exclusion; to strengthen cooperation among generations; facilitate cooperation from local to international level and inter-regional cooperation. The society is actively working with municipal' institutions (social service, further education centre, library, art school, elderly house etc) to support local authority solve various social, cultural, education and other issues and with NGOs and international organizations to bring exchange of experience, best practices to the community in order to promote development of Balvi county. 2 members of the Society has 15 years experience in provision of culture education and on the development of artistic skills for children and at least 5 years experience for adults. The society provides formal, informal and non-formal adult education. The following courses have been provided by the Society members to adult learners: projects management, photo, arts, crafts workshops, English language, Grundtvig workshop "Christmas time", October 2011. ID. No. 2011-1-LV1-GRU13-02168. Balvi county is located nearby Russian Federation border - EU external border. People in the area and the learners within this project comes from countryside and disadvantage area and are at risk of social exclusion. The society itself has no previous experience in Grundtvig Learning partnership. However, S.Putniņa, the coordinator of this project has been coordinator of the Grundtvig partnership project "Not just books - Library for ALL" (2006-2008) for Balvi District Central Library and she has 10 years work experience at public administration with EU programmes administration, projects assessment and implementation. She has been administrator of EU Culture 2000/2007-2013 and "Europe for Citizens", LLP Valorization programme, Regional & Urban policy development in Latvia.
UCIIM Contact Person. Giuseppa Ripa
UCIIM is a national Association of head teachers, school inspectors, teachers (low & high school, university, vocational). Its National Headquarters: Rome. Local offices all over Italy with c. 7,000 members. The Sicilian regional branch has c. 1,800 members in 43 seats. The association has a long historical background: it was founded in 1944 by G. Nosengo who believed that education and democracy are central to the development of the country. UCIIM has always worked for the renewal and improvement of the Italian school. Among UCIIM's main projects and activities during the past few years there are countless training courses, national and regional conferences and congresses because UCIIM is constantly involved in the training and professional development of school operators. It has the statutory purpose (Art. 3 of the Statute) to promote and implement, through specific initiatives, training programs and cultural and professional upgrading of its staff. It plans also training courses for the lifelong learning and points to the intergenerational solidarity.
The members of UCIIM are school operators still at work as well as retired teachers. Together they can support the project's activities with the knowledge and competences of professionals in the field of communicaton. The staff may inspire to introduce new ways of working by reflecting on their own practices and may learn from others because they are given an opportunity to reflect upon the others' practices. Really, UCIIM will explore the method of creating "New Cicero's" with learners 55+, according to their cultural/social/communicative background and will exchange the experiences with the other partners' learners (peer learning). In this project, UCIIM will rely on a socio-cultural association of the territory, ALCHIMIE and THIRD AGE UNIVERSITY which will ensure the provision of complementary skills and expertise. Moreover, the present project was born as a follow-up of a Grundtvig Training Course (HEREDUC) dealing with new approaches to the intangible cultural heritage and it has been inspired by it.
Dissemination of results: the model of New Cicero will be exported and disseminated among members of the Sicilian seats through meetings dedicated, and the results through publications of articles in the national website/magazine. Dissemination in the wider lifelong learning community: local library, Teacher Training Centres, Schools, Municipality, Third Age University, cultural associations etc.
Project Consultatie en Trainingsgroep B.V. (PCT) Scherpenzeel Contact Person: Ton (Antonie Herman) Knobbout – General Manager
PCT, The Project Consultation and Training Group in The Netherlands, is a small scale dynamic organisation with a lot of experience in need-analysis, intercultural development, micro businesses, training and evaluation. The organisation was founded in 1993. Key words are initiation, creation, co-ordination and entrepreneurship. PCT is involved in EU projects like TURKISH DELIGHTS, MISSIONGATE and INTEGREEN and has several EU registrations. There are contacts with tourism, transport, aqua/agriculture organisations, vocational training institutes and regional authorities. PCT has a lot of experience in motivating people who have lost their jobs or want to re-enter the labour market again or to start their own business. The key answer to unemployment is self employment. The TOUREAST project was an example of how to develop training materials in tourism and internships possibilities for unemployed middle aged women. PCT played a major role as coordinator in the rural tourism development in the Gelderse Valley, NL. It has organised several workshops about agricultural tourism for Dutch embassies. PCT is currently involved in a Dutch guiding project and the Life AURORA 2 project about tourism accommodations and cultural activities. In "The Living Heritage" project PCT will organise local meetings with organisations from the eco and rural tourism sector and will prepare practical examples and case studies on the link between ICH and tourism.
Stowarzyszenie Inicjatyw Lokalnych w Zeszczynce Sosnówka Website: http://zeszczynka.wordpress.com Contact person: Krystyna Karpiuk
Local Initiatives Association in Zeszczynka – Stowarzyszenie Inicjatyw Lokalnych w Żeszczynce (SILWZ) was created in 2008. It was established as an expression of will of the senior inhabitants of Zeszczynka to activate and entertain adult people, in particular the people 50+. The main aim of the association was destined to be adult education and promotion of the regional cultural heritage facing extinction. The current official aims of the Association (Stowarzyszenie Inicjatyw Lokalnych w Żeszczynce):
Support local social, cultural and economic development Support actions for the education and tourism Promote and support initiatives of the local society. Preserve the natural and cultural heritage of the region. Supporting actions promoting democracy, civil rights and active citizenship Organising actions for the social integration.
Current number of members is 25. The main seat of the Association is located in Zeszczynka village in an old wooden building where originally local school was established. After the school was closed the building was lent to the Association by the local government. Apart from being the official seat of the Association the buidling is now a local Center for Culture, Education and Tradition.
The Association manages not only The Center for Culture, Education and Tradition but also organises on regular basis a number of cultural events bringing back to life old customs and traditions, works for raising the attractiveness of the local region by initiating various projects and supporting local investments, cooperates for mutual benefits with large number of regional organisations which aims are similar. The basis thanks to which the association can work is the human potential of inhabitants of Zeszczynka. These are people, particularly the elderly, who express huge will of social actions for the common welfare but had been left alone after the closing of the local school.They had been left with no chance to feel needed and self-confident, without perspective of any cultural events, educational workshops being held again.This social group is a foundary of the association and consist the main active part of the staff.These local inhabitants are gathered in the form of this legal person to express their will of action,will of sharing their experience with others, learn, share and promote the local cultural heritage. Existence of the association enables them to feel active, needed and self-confident again.
Eco Computer Systems London SE8 3BA Website: http://www.ecocomputersystems.org.uk Contact person: Kornelia Genova – Project Manager
Eco Computer Systems (ECS) is a social enterprise working in the fields of local development, heritage preservation and community participation and learning. We have a training centre and provide ICT training for different age groups, including a special scheme for adults over 55 who receive a free computer from us when they undertake ICT training. We are also actively working towards bridging the digital gap between generations by supplying computers to housing associations and care homes, giving more senior citizens opportunity to access modern technology and Internet. Last year our organisation took over three libraries in disadvantaged areas in Lewisham, South East London, which were under threat of imminent closure by the local authority and we are now running them as community hubs (four in total including our original site), organising workshops, exhibitions and other outreach and engagement activities in addition to the library service. We provide free use of computers and Internet access at the libraries, which opens up opportunities for community based learning and training for deprived families who cannot afford to travel outside their local area to reach services available elsewhere. ECS has long term experience in working with volunteers. We currently have 120 volunteers, some of which have learning difficulties and some have mental health problems. We are helping them learn new skills in computer recycling, re-building and fixing computers as well as developing customer service skills at our four community hubs. We’ve got strong support from the local communities and work in close collaboration with voluntary groups, public authorities, schools, housing associations and other stakeholders to make a difference in areas affected by high percentage of economically inactive residents, including carers and people with disabilities, high number of people without qualifications and residents of pensionable age. ECS will be responsible for the internal evaluation of the project and will contribute significantly to the dissemination of the project results
FOLKLORE COMPANY OF VARNAVAS VARNAVAS Website: http://www.mouseio-psomiou.com/ilmb/ Contact person: Milea Pappa – President
The Folklore Company of Varnavas is a non profit NGO that was established in 2002. In 2003 it founded the Historical and Folklore Museum of Varnavas, while in 2007 it inaugurated the first museum for bread in Greece (its collection includes more than 2500 photographs of bread & wine production, pictures of relevant theme and exhibits over 450 types of artistic bread from all over Greece and from 30 countries). The numbers of visitors of both museums exceed the 25.000 persons per year. Our activities can be summarised in the following:
Paragon Limited Mosta Website: www.paragoneurope.eu Contact person: Sara Meli
Following Malta’s accession in the European Union in May 2004, Paragon Limited has been successful in sourcing funds for EU projects submitted under a number of programmes, such as The Sixth Framework Programme for Research and Development (FP6), Leonardo da Vinci, Youth, INTERREG III, eContentplus and EuroMed. Paragon Limited specialises in training, research and project management.
As part of its training mission, Paragon has been for the past six years offering the possibility to European students to conduct work placements in Malta. Paragon has assisted students and organizations from all over Europe in diverse sectors. From 2005 Paragon has hosted more than 1000 interns in Malta and has also helped Maltese organisations (NGO, local councils) to benefit from Mobility projects.
As for Cultural Heritage, Paragon has gained experience by promoting and publishing related informative media , host training programs relative to the projects, conduct research , swot analysis and participate in conferences on the subject. Paragon has not only performed various data gathering tasks but also excelled in presentation of the final information. This was done by the organization interdependently as well as in collaboration with international partners. Besides, one of our directors heads the department of tourism at the University of Malta and as a matter of fact, Paragon is engaged in tourism and culture which is very related to the field.
Centre - atelier N. Shmirgela Ltd. Sofia
“Centre-atelier N. Shmirgela” Ltd was founded by the descendants of the internationally renowned Bulgarian artist Nikolay Shmirgela. It is based at the artist’s studio in Sofia, which is now a popular culture and social hub. It offers educational activities and facilitates broad access to information and public participation in the field of art and culture. As part of the “Beautiful Bulgaria” project we undertook full restoration and conservation of the atelier, which is now a modern space housing a permanent exhibition of sculptures and paintings and a bookshop. During the restoration unique inscriptions on the walls of the studio were preserved, which had been made by famous poets and artists visiting during the 20th century.
To achieve its objectives the centre delivers various social and educational activities: - contemporary art exhibitions - workshops and art therapy sessions - arts and ceramics classes for children and adults - seminars and round tables on prevention of school violence and drug abuse through participation in arts activities - summer academies - book presentations on the topic of art therapy - charity auctions of works created during workshops
The centre is actively involved in the development of Sofia as a modern culture capital by participating in relevant discussions lead by the Department for Culture and Education at Municipality of Sofia. It also collaborates with similar organisations and art galleries from EU countries, Western Balkans and former Soviet republics.
In this project the centre will be responsible for the development of the project website and will host a mobility, which will involve the participants in traditional celebrations of the Orthodox Easter in Bulgaria.